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Revue de Presse : 7 mai 2024

06 mai 2024

Les 7 pépites de la semaine, trouvées dans // 7 nuggets found in

BBC News – CNN – WIRED – Le Figaro – Le Point – CNN Business

🇫🇷 Voici le choix des attaché·es de presse StoriesOut 🙂

Le florissant marché du clonage d’animaux de compagnie 🐾💼 Heineken rouvrira plus de 60 pubs anglais fermés 🍺🔓 L’effondrement du service de paiement de l’accès à internet frappera le plus durement les communautés autochtones 💻🌐 Rencontre avec Arati Prabhakar, la femme qui a montré ChatGPT au Présidnet Biden- et a contribué à définir la voie de l’IA 🤝🧠 KFC lance un parfum au barbecue et vend instantanément 🍗👃 Brussels met la pression sur Facebook et Instagram à l’approche des élections européennes 🇪🇺📰 Comment l’IA va bouleverser l’industrie du s*xe 🤖💋

🇬🇧 The weekly news selection by StoriesOut media consultants 🙂

Inside the growing business of pet cloning 🐾💼 Heineken to reopen more than 60 closed pubs 🍺🔓 The collapse of affordable internet will hit indigenous communities the hardest 💻🌐 Meet Arati Prabhakar, the Woman Who Showed President Biden ChatGPT—and Helped Set the Course for AI 🤝🧠 KFC Launched BBQ Cologne and Sells Out Instantly 🍗👃 Brussels puts pressure on Facebook and Instagram ahead of European elections 🇪🇺📰 How AI will disrupt the s*x industry 🤖💋

#1. Inside the growing business of pet cloning 

You might remember the buzz over cloning when Dolly the Sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell, was born in 1996. Fast forward two decades and cloning technology has moved on so much that you can now clone your pets. From horses to rabbits, cats and dogs – it is now possible from just a small tissue sample to clone these animals. You do, however, need at least 50,000 dollars. The BBC’s Stephanie Hegarty visited a cloning lab to find out more.

👉 Inside the growing business of pet cloning

#2. Heineken to reopen more than 60 closed pubs 

Brewing giant Heineken says it is investing £39m in hundreds of its UK pubs and reopening 62 that were closed in recent years.

The company says the cash injection in its Star Pubs chain will create more than 1,000 new jobs.

Star make renovations at more than 600 hundred pubs, around a quarter of the 2,400-strong chain.

The Netherlands-based firm says the locations that will see improvements reflect how many of its customers have cut back on how often they commute into city centres.

👉 Heineken to reopen more than 60 closed pubs

#3. The collapse of affordable internet will hit indigenous communities the hardest 

Tucked beside the St. Lawrence River in northern New York and straddling the US-Canadian border, the Akwesasne Mohawk Nation has nurtured generations of indigenous artisans.

Kelly Back, a member of the Akwesasne Mohawk, handcrafts traditional beaded belts, hat bands, purses and sashes that many of the roughly 13,000 members of the tribe wear at weddings, graduations and other ceremonies.

When she first started in 2014, Back’s artwork mainly circulated within her own tribe. But after she got on social media, her small business exploded.

👉 The collapse of affordable internet will hit indigenous communities the hardest

#4. Meet the Woman Who Showed President Biden ChatGPT—and Helped Set the Course for AI 

Arati Prabhakar has the ear of the US president and a massive mission: help manage AI, revive the semiconductor industry, and pull off a cancer moonshot.

ONE DAY IN March 2023, Arati Prabhakar brought a laptop into the Oval Office and showed the future to Joe Biden. Six months later, the president issued a sweeping executive order that set a regulatory course for AI.

👉 Meet the Woman Who Showed President Biden ChatGPT—and Helped Set the Course for AI

#5. KFC Launched BBQ Cologne and Sells Out Instantly 

Have you e­ver felt that amazing smell of food cooking outside­? It makes you want to eat it so bad. Well, now you can have­ that smell all the time! KFC has made­ a new perfume calle­d No 11 Eau de BBQ. It smells like smoky wood and charcoal, just like­ a real BBQ. The perfume­ comes in a 100ml bottle and only costs £11. But here­’s the best part: all the mone­y from selling the perfume­ goes to The KFC Foundation. This group helps young pe­ople in the community build a bette­r future for themselve­s.

👉 KFC Launched BBQ Cologne and Sells Out Instantly

#6. Lutte contre la désinformation : Bruxelles met la pression sur Facebook et Instagram à l’approche des élections européennes 

La Commission ouvre une enquête contre le numéro un mondial des réseaux sociaux, accusé de faire preuve de négligence pour protéger ses utilisateurs dans la perspective du scrutin.

À moins de quarante jours des élections européennes (du 6 au 9 juin 2024), Facebook et Meta écopent d’un bonnet d’âne. Bruxelles ouvre une enquête contre leur maison-mère, Meta, numéro un mondial des réseaux sociaux, pour violation du règlement européen sur les services numériques (Digital Services Act ou DSA).

👉 Lutte contre la désinformation : Bruxelles met la pression sur Facebook et Instagram à l’approche des élections européennes

#7. Comment l’IA va bouleverser l’industrie du s*xe 

La pornographie générée par l’IA fait irruption rapidement dans l’industrie du s*xe et soulève de nouvelles préoccupations éthiques.

intelligence artificielle (IA) transforme déjà de nombreuses industries, de la médecine et l’éducation à la science et la finance. L’IA s’apprête à perturber un autre marché : la pornographie. Les avancées en matière d’apprentissage automatique et d’algorithmes d’IA pour la production d’images et de vidéos ont contribué à la croissance des sites de pornographie générée par l’IA. La production massive de pornographie IA pose des implications éthiques et sociales.

👉 Comment l’IA va bouleverser l’industrie du s*xe

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