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Revue de Presse : 16 avril 2024 // Press Review: 16 April, 2024

16 avril 2024

Revue de Presse 6 février 2024

🇨🇵 7 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix des attaché·es de presse StoriesOut 🙂

La directive « cloud au centre » de l’État en péril ☁️🎯 Graphène : mince comme une gaufrette, extensible et résistant comme l’acier : ce « matériau miracle » pourrait-il enfin transformer notre monde ? 🔄🌍 « L’odorat est vraiment important pour la communication sociale » : comment la technologie ruine nos sens 👃📱 Le procès d’O.J. Simpson nous a donné un aperçu de l’Amérique d’aujourd’hui 🇺🇸🔍 TikTok s’attaque à Instagram avec une application photo 📸📱 3 heures pour promouvoir l’inclusion grâce à ses compétences technologiques ! ⏰💻 Le panneau publicitaire parfumé de McDonald’s attire les regards et les nez 🍔👃

🇬🇧 7 news items this week, chosen by StoriesOut media consultants 🙂

The « cloud at the center » directive of the State in peril ☁️🎯 Wafer-thin, stretchy and strong as steel: could ‘miracle’ material graphene finally transform our world? 🔄🌍 ‘Smell is really important for social communication’: how technology is ruining our senses 👃📱 O.J. Simpson trial gave us a preview of today’s America 🇺🇸🔍 TikTok to take on Instagram with photo app 📸📱 3 hours to promote inclusion through tech skills! ⏰💻 McDonald’s scented billboard turns heads and noses 🍔👃

👉 La directive « cloud au centre » de l’État en péril
👉 Wafer-thin, stretchy and strong as steel: could ‘miracle’ material graphene finally transform our world?
👉 ‘Smell is really important for social communication’: how technology is ruining our senses
👉 O.J. Simpson gave us a preview of today’s America
👉 TikTok to take on Instagram with photo app
👉 3 heures pour favoriser l’inclusion grâce à ses compétences tech !
👉 McDonald’s scented billboard turns heads and noses

#1. La directive « cloud au centre » de l’État en péril
L’Union européenne envisagerait-elle de renoncer aux exigences de souveraineté dans le cadre de la certification de la cybersécurité ? L’approche des élections européennes et l’appel du gouvernement français auraient précipité la décision, mais pas dans le sens escompté.

Après l’EUCC (European Union Common Criteria Cybersecurity Certification Scheme), voici venir le temps de l’EUCS (European Cybersecurity Strategy). À quelques semaines des prochaines élections européennes, que comprendre des dernières négociations secrètes qui se sont déroulées dans les coulisses de Bruxelles et qui ont abouti à la production d’un document de 221 pages en date du 22 mars dernier, instaurant un nouveau schéma de certification de cybersécurité pour le cloud — ou EUCS ? Si ce n’est, de nouveau, à un échange de la souveraineté des données contre des voitures de luxe et de l’approvisionnement en gaz non liquéfié.

👉La directive « cloud au centre » de l’État en péril

#2. Wafer-thin, stretchy and strong as steel: could ‘miracle’ material graphene finally transform our world?
The material, discovered in 2004, was meant to be revolutionary. But only now is the technology coming of age

Twenty years ago, ­scientists announced they had created a new miracle material that was going to transform our lives. They called it graphene.

Consisting of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexa­gonal pattern, it is one of the strongest materials ever made and, for good measure, it is a better conductor of electricity and heat than copper.

👉Wafer-thin, stretchy and strong as steel: could ‘miracle’ material graphene finally transform our world?

#3. ‘Smell is really important for social communication’: how technology is ruining our senses
Scientists say an overreliance on sight and sound is having a detrimental effect on people’s wellbeing and that our devices should deliver a multisensory experience

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothing yet.” So went the first line of audible dialogue in a feature film, 1927’s The Jazz Singer. It was one of the first times that mass media had conveyed the sight and sound of a scene together, and the audience was enthralled.

There have been improvements since: black and white has become colour, frame rates and resolutions have increased and sound quality has improved, but the media we consume still caters overwhelmingly, if not exclusively, to our eyes and ears.

👉‘Smell is really important for social communication’: how technology is ruining our senses

#4. O.J. Simpson gave us a preview of today’s America
For millions of Americans, it’s a moment they can’t forget.

On October 3, 1995, people gathered around TVs in living rooms, bars and workplaces to watch the verdict in the trial of O.J. Simpson, who had been charged with the grisly murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.

In the split second after the not guilty verdict was read, we saw White and non-White America rupture. Many Black Americans cheered, pumped their fists and exchanged high-fives, while many White Americans gasped in disbelief and anger.

👉O.J. Simpson gave us a preview of today’s America

#5. TikTok to take on Instagram with photo app
TikTok is to take on social media rival, Instagram, by launching a photo-sharing app.

The company said it was working on a « dedicated space » for images and text.

Some users have received notifications saying their photo posts will be shared to a new « TikTok Notes » app unless they opt out.

It is the latest example of social media firms imitating each others’ products – including Instagram launching Reels, a TikTok-like video tool, in 2020.

👉TikTok to take on Instagram with photo app

#6. 3 heures pour favoriser l’inclusion grâce à ses compétences tech !
Plus de 100 Devoteamers dans 5 pays ont participé à la dernière édition des labs “Techforpeople”, organisés par la Fondation Devoteam, des mini hackathons de 3 heures au profit de l’économie sociale et solidaire sur le thème #InspireInclusion de la journée internationale des droits de femmes 2024. Retour sur l’édition française.

👉3 heures pour favoriser l’inclusion grâce à ses compétences tech !

#7. McDonald’s scented billboard turns heads and noses
How many companies can launch a scented billboard with no text, just brand colours and it is still instantly recognisable as them? Well, McDonald’s can…

McDonald’s Amsterdam with TBWA\NEBOKO have released a series of billboards that diffuse the scent of their iconic French fries, making passersby crave their deliciously salty taste!

👉McDonald’s scented billboard turns heads and noses

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