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Revue de Presse : 21 mars 2023 // Press Review: March 21, 2023

21 mars 2023

  6 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut

Cette semaine on découvre la première newsletter écrite avec l’IA. On découvre 9 structures qui accompagnent l’entrepreneuriat féminin
On s’inquiète de la possible disparition aux États-Unis de l’éducation sur les règles auprès des jeunes filles. On garde espoir avec des scientifiques qui aimeraient recycler le plastique en carburant. On observe le nouveau coup dur porté à TikTok. Et on finit par retrouver l’amour ❤️ … dans les bras d’un chatbot


This week’s five stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks

This week, we take a look at the first newsletter written with AI, and discovered 9 structures that support female entrepreneurship
We also look at the possible removal of menstruation for young girls in the United States. All is not lost, though, as scientists aim to recycle plastic into fuel. We observe the latest blow to TikTok. And finally, we end up finding love ❤️ … in the arms of a chatbot


Could waste plastic become a useful fuel source?
Qant, l’avenir du numérique
A bill pushed by Republicans in Florida would ban young girls from discussing their periods while in school
9 structures à connaître qui accompagnent l’entrepreneuriat féminin
‘I learned to love the bot’: meet the chatbots that want to be your best friend
The US government is once again threatening to ban TikTok. What you should know


#1. Could waste plastic become a useful fuel source?

Plastic waste dumps, says Prof Erwin Reisner, could be the oil fields of the future. « Effectively, plastic is another form of fossil fuel, » says Prof Reisner, who is professor of energy and sustainability at the University of Cambridge. « It’s rich in energy and in chemical composition, which we want to unlock. »

Worldwide, more than 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year – roughly the same weight as all of humanity. Today, around 85% ends up in landfill or is lost to the environment where it will stay for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years. Now the race is on to find the best way to break those chemical bonds and reclaim the Earth’s precious resources locked into plastic. Mechanical recycling, where waste plastic is washed, shredded, melted and reformed, degrades plastic over time and can result in inconsistent quality products.

Could waste plastic become a useful fuel source? – BBC News


#2. Qant, l’avenir du numérique
La première newsletter tech écrite avec l’IA. Qant, c’est le pari de deux journalistes d’accompagner les futures technologies de la presse et de l’audiovisuel, pour ne pas avoir à les subir : notamment l’IA générative, la réalité virtuelle et augmentée, le métavers et le Web3, mais aussi l’informatique quantique.

Qant, c’est le choix d’utiliser systématiquement des modèles d’intelligence artificielle pour rédiger et illustrer des articles qui restent conçus et édités par des humains. Écrire avec l’IA, comme avec un traitement de texte ou une machine à écrire, sans fantasmer sur un grand remplacement par les robots.



#3. A bill pushed by Republicans in Florida would ban young girls from discussing their periods while in school

A bill backed by Republicans in Florida would ban girls younger than grade six from discussing their periods while at school, according to the lawmaker who proposed the legislation. State Rep. Stan McClain proposed House Bill 1069, which would limit instruction on sexual and reproductive health to grades six through 12. The bill is part of a string of laws being pushed by Florida Republicans related to gender and sexuality.

In a subcommittee hearing on Wednesday, Democratic state Rep. Ashley Gantt asked McClain if the bill would « prohibit conversations about menstrual cycles » for girls who get their periods before sixth grade, noting girls typically start menstruating from ages 10 to 15, which would include fourth and fifth graders.

A bill pushed by Republicans in Florida would ban young girls from discussing their periods while in school


#4. Les structures à connaître qui accompagnent l’entrepreneuriat féminin
Donner aux femmes l’audace d’entreprendre. À l’origine de ces structures, il y a des chiffres perfectibles : selon le dernier baromètre SISTA x BCG, les équipes 100% féminines sont les grandes perdantes des levées de fonds, 4,3 fois moins bien financées que les équipes portées par une équipe dirigeante 100% masculine.

Si l’écart tend à se réduire, 76 % des startups créées en 2021 l’ont été par des hommes (contre 85 % entre 2008 et 2018). Incubateurs, collectifs, fonds d’investissements, réseaux : Maddyness a relevé 9 structures dédiées aux femmes entrepreneures, qui luttent pour un système plus inclusif et paritaire.

9 structures à connaître qui accompagnent l’entrepreneuriat féminin

#5. ‘I learned to love the bot’: meet the chatbots that want to be your best friend

Until recently most of us knew chatbots as the infuriating, scripted interface you might encounter on a company’s website in lieu of real customer service. But recent advancements in AI mean models like the much-hyped ChatGPT are now being used to answer internet search queries, write code and produce poetry – which has prompted a ton of speculation about their potential social, economic and even existential impacts. 

Yet one group of companies – such as Replika (“the AI companion who cares”), Woebot (“your mental health ally”) and Kuki (“a social chatbot”) – is harnessing AI-driven speech in a different way: to provide human-seeming support through AI friends, romantic partners and therapists.

‘I learned to love the bot’: meet the chatbots that want to be your best friend | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian


#6. The US government is once again threatening to ban TikTok. What you should know

Nearly two-and-a-half years after the Trump administration threatened to ban TikTok in the United States if it didn’t divest from its Chinese owners, the Biden administration is now doing the same. TikTok acknowledged to CNN this week that federal officials are demanding the app’s Chinese owners sell their stake in the social media platform, or risk facing a US ban of the app.

The new directive comes from the multiagency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), following years of negotiations between TikTok and the government body. (CFIUS is the same group that previously forced a sale of LGBTQ dating app Grindr from Chinese ownership back in 2019.) The ultimatum from the US government represents an apparent escalation in pressure from Washington as more lawmakers once again raise national security concerns about the app. Suddenly, TikTok’s future in the United States appears more uncertain – but this time, it comes after years in which the app has only broadened its reach over American culture.

The US government is once again threatening to ban TikTok. What you should know | CNN Business

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