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Revue de Presse : 23 janvier 2024

22 janvier 2024

6 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix des attaché·es de presse StoriesOut

Royaume-Uni, l’IA au service des transports en commun … on ne va plus jamais attendre le bus ! Les fraudes et les mises en conformité pèsent sur les comptes des Fintech OpenAI supprime discrètement l’interdiction d’utiliser ChatGPT par l’armée et pour la guerre Bientôt des cours d’Albert Einstein en hologramme dans les universités britanniques ✨ États-Unis, la désinformation représente une menace sans précédent à l’approche des élections  Pays de Galles, plus de 2 800 emplois menacés par la fermeture d’une aciérie ️

6 news items this week, chosen by the StoriesOut media consultants

UK, AI at the service of public transport … we won’t be waiting for the bus anymore! Fraud and compliance weigh on fintech accounts OpenAI quietly removes ban on use of ChatGPT by military and for war Albert Einstein’s hologram lectures coming soon to UK universities ✨ USA, misinformation poses unprecedented threat ahead of elections Wales, more than 2,800 jobs threatened by steelworks closure ️

How AI is helping to prevent three buses turning up at once
Les fraudes et les mises en conformité pèsent sur les comptes du secteur financier
OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare”
Hologram lecturers thrill students at trailblazing UK university
Disinformation poses an unprecedented threat in 2024
‘Devastating’: Port Talbot steelworks to shut blast furnaces and shed up to 2,800 jobs

#1. How AI is helping to prevent three buses turning up at once 

It has happened to most people waiting for a specific bus in a busy city – you stand around for ages only for three to turn up at once.

This phenomenon is known as « bus bunching », and it can be annoying.

To try to alleviate the problem, UK operator First Bus, which runs bus services across the UK, has turned to artificial intelligence (AI) powered software to design and automatically update its timetables.

How AI is helping to prevent three buses turning up at once

#2. Les fraudes et les mises en conformité pèsent sur les comptes du secteur financier 

Le récent ralentissement des investissements en capital-risque (VC), associé à une surveillance réglementaire accrue, a créé un paysage plus complexe pour les fondateurs de fintech et les investisseurs.

Malgré ces défis, des opportunités existent toujours dans le secteur à mesure que la demande de regtech, de finance embarquée et d’intelligence artificielle (IA) augmente, et que l’adoption des réseaux de blockchain continue de progresser, indique un nouveau rapport de la Silicon Valley Bank (SVB).

Les fraudes et les mises en conformité pèsent sur les comptes du secteur financier

#3. OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare” 

The Pentagon has its eye on the leading AI company, which this week softened its ban on military use.

OpenAI this week quietly deleted language expressly prohibiting the use of its technology for military purposes from its usage policy, which seeks to dictate how powerful and immensely popular tools like ChatGPT can be used.

OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare”

#4. Hologram lecturers thrill students at trailblazing UK university 

AI-powered technology that projects lifelike avatars trialled at Loughborough University

Any university lecturer will tell you that luring students to a morning lecture is an uphill struggle. But even the most hungover fresher would surely be enticed by a physics lesson from Albert Einstein or a design masterclass from Coco Chanel.

This could soon be the reality for British students, as some universities start to beam in guest lecturers from around the globe using the same holographic technology that is used to bring dead or retired singers back to the stage.

Hologram lecturers thrill students at trailblazing UK university

#5. Disinformation poses an unprecedented threat in 2024

The U.S. presidential election comes at a time of ideal circumstances for disinformation and the people who spread it.

Disinformation poses an unprecedented threat to democracy in the United States in 2024, according to researchers, technologists and political scientists. 

As the presidential election approaches, experts warn that a convergence of events at home and abroad, on traditional and social media — and amid an environment of rising authoritarianism, deep distrust, and political and social unrest — makes the dangers from propaganda, falsehoods and conspiracy theories more dire than ever.

Disinformation poses an unprecedented threat in 2024 

#6. ‘Devastating’: Port Talbot steelworks to shut blast furnaces and shed up to 2,800 jobs

Tata confirms shutdown and unions threaten strikes at the plant amid fury in south Wales community

The owner of Port Talbot steelworks has confirmed that its two blast furnaces will shut down, in what unions have condemned as an “absolutely devastating” blow that will cost up to 2,800 jobs directly and many more in the south Wales community.

Port Talbot’s parent company, the Indian-owned Tata Steel, said it was not “feasible or affordable” to adopt trade union proposals to continue production at the loss-making plant during a transition to greener, cheaper steelmaking operations.

‘Devastating’: Port Talbot steelworks to shut blast furnaces and shed up to 2,800 jobs

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