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Revue de Presse : 26 Juin 2023 // Press Review: June 26, 2023

26 juin 2023

  7 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut

On s’intéresse à TikTok qui bloque des vidéos informatives sur la contraception L’enquête sur le  sous-marin se poursuit avec la data et les audios du bateau mère ️ Royaume-Uni, les maisons se vendent à prix d’or Facebook bloque les reprises de musiques par des interprètes On se demande comment arrêter les pièges aux abonnements Focus sur l’association Femtech France   Et pour finir juin, place aux Silicon Days ‍

This week’s seven stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks

We look at TikTok blocking informative videos about contraception The submarine investigation continues with data and audio recordings from the mothership ️ In the UK interest rates go through the roof Facebook blocks profiles of impersonators We wonder how to stop subscription traps A look at the Femtech France association And to finish off June, it’s Silicon Days ‍

TikTok holds useful info about medication abortion
Voice recordings and data from the mother ship that carried the Titan submersible before it imploded will be examined
FemTech France : l’association qui veut améliorer la santé des femmes grâce à l’innovation technologique
Mortgages: how to cope as UK interest rates hit the roof
‘Don’t stop us now’: tribute acts protest against Facebook ban
Can we stop being tricked into subscriptions?
Les Cybermatinées sont invitées par les mastères cybersécurité de France 

#1. TikTok holds useful info about medication abortion

The researchers evaluated the 100 most-viewed TikTok videos tagged #abortionpill, #medicalabortion, and #medicationabortion. Those videos often detailed what a medication abortion is, how to obtain a medication abortion, and the pills involved.

Of the 65 videos that presented public health information, 89.2% were mostly accurate and 10.8% were mixed. Of the 51 videos that presented scientific claims, 86.3% were mostly accurate and 13.7% were mixed.

TikTok holds useful info about medication abortion

#2. Voice recordings and data from the mother ship that carried the Titan submersible before it imploded will be examined

One week after the Titan submersible started what became a catastrophic underwater voyage to the Titanic wreckage – killing all five people aboard – US officials laid out their next steps in investigating the disaster.

The US Coast Guard announced Sunday it convened a Marine Board of Investigation to probe the implosion – the “highest level of investigation the Coast Guard conducts,” US Coast Guard chief investigator Capt. Jason Neubauer said.

The panel will be tasked with determining what caused the tragedy and offer possible recommendations “to the proper authorities to pursue civil or criminal sanctions as necessary,” Neubauer said at a Sunday news conference.

Voice recordings and data from the mother ship that carried the Titan submersible before it imploded will be examined

#3. FemTech France : l’association qui veut améliorer la santé des femmes grâce à l’innovation technologique

Tous les jours de la semaine, Europe 1 vous livre le meilleur des initiatives qui changent le monde, sur le web et en régions !

Invité(s) : Delphine Moulu, cofondatrice de FemTech France

FemTech France : l’association qui veut améliorer la santé des femmes grâce à l’innovation technologique

#4. Mortgages: how to cope as UK interest rates hit the roof

For Britons buying their first home or chasing a new deal the maelstrom in the mortgage market is the stuff of nightmares, with products being pulled right, left and centre, and no end in sight as the Bank of England raises interest rates yet again.

As the consumer champion Martin Lewis put it this week: the mortgage “ticking timebomb” has “exploded”, with homeowners, already hobbled by the cost of living crisis, now racing to replace low-cost deals that are expiring.

The numbers are stark. More than 350,000 borrowers will come off a fixed-rate deal between now and the end of September, according to the Office for National Statistics. About 200,000 of them are on a deal priced at below 2%.

Mortgages: how to cope as UK interest rates hit the roof

#5. ‘Don’t stop us now’: tribute acts protest against Facebook ban

Big music festivals are not the only places to enjoy a headline act such as Adele, Taylor Swift or Dolly Parton.

Convincing impersonators of the biggest names in music, and of other late, great stars, such as George Michael and Freddie Mercury, also regularly entertain the crowds at civic centres, summer fairs and even the odd golden wedding.

But the sterling work of these professional tribute acts is now under threat. An unexpected blow to their business model was delivered in March when Facebook, now known as Meta, effectively banned their content from its site. It introduced new rules that excluded the Facebook and Instagram accounts of anyone who could be described as “impersonating someone else”.

‘Don’t stop us now’: tribute acts protest against Facebook ban

#6. Can we stop being tricked into subscriptions?

Many of us have fallen prey to the so-called subscription trap – signing up to a free trial and then forgetting to cancel it leading to ongoing payments for services we don’t use.

In the UK, the government is taking steps towards cracking down on techniques used by large online retailers to try and lock people into subscriptions.

It is proposing new rules which would require firms to send « reminder notices » to customers to make sure they are aware they remain subscribed.

Can we stop being tricked into subscriptions?

#7. Les Cybermatinées sont invitées par les mastères cybersécurité de France

6 RDV pour débattre et partager sur les thèmes d’actualité de la sécurité des SI.

Rencontrez et échangez avec les futurs diplômés des mastères cybersécurité. Profitez de retours d’expérience concrets et de témoignages de responsables sécurité. Discutez et partagez votre expérience avec vos pairs.

Animations : présentations de start-ups en cybersécurité, expertise et démonstration d’outils par nos partenaires technologiques, intervention des clubs de DSI régionaux…

Les Cybermatinées sont invitées par les mastères cybersécurité de France

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