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Revue de Presse : 29 août 2023 // Press Review: 29 august, 2023

29 août 2023

Revue de Presse 6 février 2024

7 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut

Découvrez le top 10 des startup de la FemTech à suivre Et si l’IA créait plus d’emplois qu’elle n’en détruisait Les États-Unis aident des foyers à accéder à Internet Elon Musk n’aime pas LinkedIn et pense à créer un concurrent ! Après son arrestation, Trump voit le financement de sa campagne s’envoler Le Digital Service Act est entré en vigueur Face à la chaleur, voici quelques solutions autres que la climati

This week’s seven stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks

Maddyness unveils its top 10 2023 FemTech startups AI will create more jobs than it destroys, according to the UN The US helps homes get online Elon Musk doesn’t like LinkedIn, so why not create a competitor? After his arrest, Trump sees his campaign funding soar The Digital Service Act has come into force Faced with the heat, here are some solutions other than air conditioning

10 startups de la FemTech à suivre
L’intelligence artificielle devrait créer plus d’emplois qu’en détruire
More than 20 million Americans enrolled in a federal program for subsidized internet access
Elon Musk slams ‘cringe’ LinkedIn, hints at creating competitor
Trump campaign says it has raised $7.1 million since Atlanta mug shot
EU safety laws start to bite for TikTok, Instagram and others
How to stay cool without air con – and help take some heat off the planet

#1. 10 startups de la FemTech à suivre 

La FemTech est un marché qui concerne 50 % de la population mondiale, estimé à 50 milliards de dollars d’ici 2025. Maddyness a sélectionné 10 startups qui participent à la révolution FemTech.

La FemTech regroupe l’ensemble des technologies, produits et services innovants qui concernent la santé des femmes. Ménopause, endométriose, fertilité, bien-être sexuel : les startups s’attaquent à ces sujets encore tabous, longtemps exclus de la recherche clinique.

10 startups de la FemTech à suivre 

#2. L’intelligence artificielle devrait créer plus d’emplois qu’en détruire

L’IA « permettra d’accompagner plutôt que de remplacer certaines activités », estime l’OIT. « Ainsi la première conséquence de cette nouvelle technologie ne se traduira probablement pas par la destruction d’emplois, mais plutôt par des changements potentiels dans la qualité des emplois, notamment l’intensité du travail et l’autonomie », révèle l’étude. 

L’étude souligne aussi que les effets de cette nouvelle technologie varient considérablement selon les professions et les zones, les femmes étant plus susceptibles que les hommes de voir leur travail affecté.

L’intelligence artificielle devrait créer plus d’emplois qu’en détruire

#3. More than 20 million Americans enrolled in a federal program for subsidized internet access

More than 20 million US households are now receiving discounts on internet service as part of a federal program created to close the digital divide, according to the Federal Communications Commission.

The milestone highlights the cost of reliable internet service for low-income families, an issue that the government’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) seeks to address by providing $30-a-month subsidies to eligible US households. Recipients living on tribal lands can receive even more, up to $75 per month to help cover internet access costs.

US residents can qualify for the program if they meet certain eligibility requirements, such as participating in other government assistance programs including SNAP or Medicaid, if their income is below a certain level or if they have recently received federal Pell grants.

More than 20 million Americans enrolled in a federal program for subsidized internet access

#4. Elon Musk slams ‘cringe’ LinkedIn, hints at creating competitor

Billionaire Elon Musk on Saturday hinted at developing an X (formerly Twitter) competitor to the career networking and Microsoft-owned jobs portal platform, LinkedIn.  Musk hinted at the possibility when responding to an X user who posted: « Is there anything worse than LinkedIn? »

Musk said he sometimes receives LinkedIn links for job applications but prefers a resume or bio to be emailed because « the cringe level is so high that I just can’t bring myself to use it. » « We will make sure that the X competitor to LinkedIn is cool, » Musk said. 

Elon Musk slams ‘cringe’ LinkedIn, hints at creating competitor

#5. Trump campaign says it has raised $7.1 million since Atlanta mug shot

Donald Trump’s campaign says it has raised $7.1 million since the former president was processed at an Atlanta jail Thursday in the Georgia election subversion case.

Trump’s fundraising total for the past three weeks, following his indictment and arraignment in Washington related to the federal January 6 case and then his surrender and processing at the Fulton County jail in Georgia, is close to $20 million, a Trump campaign official said.

On Friday, the day following his arrest in Georgia, Trump raised $4.18 million, the highest-grossing day of the entire campaign, the source said.

Trump campaign says it has raised $7.1 million since Atlanta mug shot

#6. EU safety laws start to bite for TikTok, Instagram and others

Some of the biggest tech organisations and search engines now have tocomply with new EU rules designed to protect users. Under the EU Digital Services Act (DSA) rule-breakers can face big fines.

Nineteen major platforms, such as Facebook or TikTok, face the most stringent rules which include having plans in place to protect children and stop election interference. Many have made changes, some of which will affect users in the UK.

While the UK Online Safety Bill is still working its way through parliament – the EU’s Digital Services Act became law on 16 November 2022. But firms were given time to make sure their systems complied.

EU safety laws start to bite for TikTok, Instagram and others

#7.  How to stay cool without air con – and help take some heat off the planet

Research suggests UK homes are uniquely unprepared to cope with rising global temperatures – but there are greener solutions to uncomfortable heat than air conditioning

“I can honestly say it’s the best thing I’ve ever spent my money on,” says 30-year-old Stephen about the unassuming waist-high plastic pillar that sits in the bedroom of his converted bungalow in Nottinghamshire. The retail worker has always found the room uncomfortably hot in summer, and his attempts to cool down using freestanding fans, electric air coolers and reading up on rudimentary fluid dynamics never seemed to cut it.

How to stay cool without air con – and help take some heat off the planet

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