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Press Review: May 22, 2023

May 22, 2023

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  6 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut
La France investit pour le climat et l’industrie en même temps Meta écope d’une amende record de plus d’1 milliards € Les prochaines élections aux US / UK se préparent à faire face aux fakes news générées par l’intelligence artificielle La Chine interdit l’utilisation de processeurs américains qui seraient un danger pour sa sécurité Les experts de l’IA continuent de demander une régulation ⚖️ Et enfin le bannissement de TikTok semble impossible

This week’s six stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks
France makes a dual climate and industry investment  Meta slapped with a record fine of more than €1 billion Upcoming US / UK elections prepare to face AI-generated fake news China bans the use of American chips fearing security threats AI experts continue to call for regulation ⚖️ …and finally, banning TikTok seems impossible  

Projet de loi industrie verte : la France soutient sa décarbonation et investit dans les technologies vertes
Elections in UK and US at risk from AI-driven disinformation, say experts
China bans major chip maker Micron from key infrastructure projects
Why Montana’s TikTok ban may not work
 ‘There was all sorts of toxic behaviour’: Timnit Gebru on her sacking by Google, AI’s dangers and big tech’s biases
EU hits Meta with record €1.2B privacy fine

#1. Projet de loi industrie verte : la France soutient sa décarbonation et investit dans les technologies vertes

Dans sa présentation du projet de loi industrie verte ce mardi 16 mai, le gouvernement entend faire de la France la première nation décarbonée en Europe. Pour ce faire, il compte décarboner les industries existantes, investir dans les technologies vertes, comme l’hydrogène décarboné et les batteries électriques, et recréer une culture industrielle dans le pays.

Projet de loi industrie verte : la France soutient sa décarbonation et investit dans les technologies vertes


#2. Elections in UK and US at risk from AI-driven disinformation, say experts

Next year’s elections in Britain and the US could be marked by a wave of AI-powered disinformation, experts have warned, as generated images, text and deepfake videos go viral at the behest of swarms of AI-powered propaganda bots.

Sam Altman, CEO of the ChatGPT creator, OpenAI, told a congressional hearing in Washington this week that the models behind the latest generation of AI technology could manipulate users.

Elections in UK and US at risk from AI-driven disinformation, say experts


#3. China bans major chip maker Micron from key infrastructure projects

China says products made by US memory chip giant Micron Technology are a national security risk. The country’s cyberspace regulator announced on Sunday that America’s biggest maker of memory chips poses “serious network security risks”.

It means the firm’s products will be banned from key infrastructure projects in the world’s second largest economy. It is China’s first major move against a US chip maker, as tensions increase between Beijing and Washington.

China bans major chip maker Micron from key infrastructure projects


#4. Why Montana’s TikTok ban may not work

The move goes a step beyond other states that have restricted TikTok from government devices. It also comes at a time when some federal lawmakers are pushing for a nationwide ban.

But legal and technology experts say there are huge hurdles for Montana, or any state, to enforce such a law. The TikTok ban immediately prompted one lawsuit from TikTok users who allege it violates their First Amendment rights, with more legal challenges expected. Even if the law is allowed to stand, the practicalities of the internet may make it impossible to keep TikTok out of the hands of users.

Why Montana’s TikTok ban may not work


#5. ‘There was all sorts of toxic behaviour’: Timnit Gebru on her sacking by Google, AI’s dangers and big tech’s biases 

‘It feels like a gold rush,” says Timnit Gebru. “In fact, it is a gold rush. And a lot of the people who are making money are not the people actually in the midst of it. But it’s humans who decide whether all this should be done or not. We should remember that we have the agency to do that.”

Gebru is talking about her specialised field: artificial intelligence. On the day we speak via a video call, she is in Kigali, Rwanda, preparing to host a workshop and chair a panel at an international conference on AI. It will address the huge growth in AI’s capabilities, as well as something that the frenzied conversation about AI misses out: the fact that many of its systems may well be built on a huge mess of biases, inequalities and imbalances of power.

‘There was all sorts of toxic behaviour’: Timnit Gebru on her sacking by Google, AI’s dangers and big tech’s biases


#6. EU hits Meta with record €1.2B privacy fine

U.S tech giant Meta has been hit with a record €1.2 billion fine for not complying with the EU’s privacy rulebook.

The Irish Data Protection Commission announced on Monday that Meta violated the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when it shuttled troves of personal data of European Facebook users to the United States without sufficiently protecting them from Washington’s data surveillance practices.

EU hits Meta with record €1.2B privacy fine


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