(+33) 9 81 86 41 81 info@storiesout.com

Surveys, Polling & Statistics


Qualifying is good, quantifying is better!

In communication and marketing, being able to quantify your market is an essential asset.

Why a Survey?

A recognized method, surveys make it possible to produce exclusive figures and statistics of a client’s market. Because they are exclusive, this data structures the understanding of a market.

A brand that is able to produce this data clearly stands out on the market and assumes the coveted position of the decryptor.

Added Value of StoriesOut

At StoriesOut, we are masters in the art of thinking, designing and executing the most impactful studies and surveys.

In association with recognized polling institutes (CSA, OpinionWay, etc.), we help our clients carry out polls that open the doors to the most demanding media and the widest audiences.

A Few Examples (French Surveys)

For More Information

Would you like to increase your brand’s visibility and find out how we can help you? Send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.