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StoriesOutED : English Department


StoriesOutED : English Department

Is your company ready to communicate to the English-speaking world? StoriesOut can now support you in the deployment and/or creation of specific campaigns for the United Kingdom or the United States!


StoriesOutED is the name we gave our English Department.

StoriesOutED offers a suite of services that cover the exploration, deployment and development phases for brands looking to expand into the US and/or the UK.

Based in the Paris office, it is an attractive proposition for companies wanting to coordinate global communications in a local timezone. .

Exploration Phase

Media monitoring of the main competitors and analysis of their communication to better understand the expectations of the media and the challenges of the target market..

Deployment Phase

Targeted media relations campaigns based on the campaigns designed in France. These campaigns allow brands to emerge in the media landscape of the targeted country.

Development Phase

More extensive press relations campaigns that will allow the brand to increase its visibility and credibility by building on its legitimacy.

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