(+33) 9 81 86 41 81 info@storiesout.com

Our Partners


Circular Challenge

StoriesOut has been a Circular Challenge partner since 2018. The Circular Challenge is the Open Innovation programme for a circular economy, created by Citeo.

We work together with the finalists of each edition, helping them to craft and fine-tune their communication strategy and tactics.

More about the Circular Challenge

Paris & Co

Whether they are part of the international programs or of the trade or industry-specific initiatives, StoriesOut meet the Paris & Co startups regularly throughout the year. Paris & Co is the innovation and economic development agency of the Paris metropolitan area.

In French, as well as in English, we unveil PR intricacies to the emerging innovative players who have joined the Paris & Co programs.

More about Paris & Co

IMT Starter

StoriesOut is the Communication partner of the Digital Startup Contest, organised by IMT Starter, the incubator of the Télécom SudParis, Institut Mines Télécom Business School and ENSIIE schools. It has been supporting the launch of digital start-ups since 1999.

The winning candidate of the contest benefits from a year-long mentoring program to help them better manage the communication of their topics.

More about the Trophée Startup Numérique

Let’s work together!

Interested in providing your audience with training sessions, tailored mentoring programs, masterclasses or 101 RP lectures?

Do not hesitate to contact us!