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Press Review: 26 September, 2023 // Revue de Presse : 26 septembre 2023

September 25, 2023

illustration revue de presse

7 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut

CES 2024, tendances et préparatifs Montrez-nous vos cartes de fidélité, nous vous dirons qui vous êtes. Le Planning familial et «Sex Education» s’allient pour répondre aux questions des ados Le chatbot d’intelligence artificielle de Google propose de nouvelles fonctionnalités Problème de racisme dans les équipes TikTok ? ✊ Lego renonce à fabriquer des briques à partir de bouteilles en plastique recyclées Les chansons de Taylor Swift plébiscitées par les prisonniers

This week’s seven stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks

CES 2024, trends and preparations Show us your loyalty cards, we’ll tell you who you are Planned Parenthood and Sex Education join forces to answer teenage questions Google’s artificial intelligence chatbot offers new features Racism problem in TikTok teams? ✊ Lego gives up on making bricks from recycled plastic bottles Taylor Swift’s songs voted for by prisoners 

CES 2024 : “La technologie reste très forte malgré la crise”, d’après Gary Shapiro
How can you really get to know a person? Ask to see their loyalty cards
Le Planning familial et «Sex Education» s’allient pour répondre aux questions des ados
Google rolls out a major expansion of its Bard AI chatbot
Black creators built TikTok. But Black employees say they experienced ‘toxicity and racism’
Lego abandons effort to make bricks from recycled plastic bottles
Listening to Taylor Swift in Prison

#1. CES 2024 : “La technologie reste très forte malgré la crise”, d’après Gary Shapiro 

En visite à Paris, Gary Shapiro, le président de la Consumer Technology Association qui organise chaque année le CES, s’est exprimé sur les tendances et les préparatifs de son prochain salon consacré à l’innovation technologique, lequel se déroulera à Las Vegas du 9 au 12 janvier 2024.

Le séjour parisien de Gary Shapiro était particulièrement chargé cette semaine. Mais entre une rencontre avec la Première ministre Elisabeth Borne, un déjeuner avec l’ambassadrice des Etats-Unis en France et une prise de parole à l’occasion de l’événement FDDAY organisé par France Digitale au Musée des arts forains mercredi 20 septembre, le président de la Consumer Technology Association (CTA) a su trouver du temps pour échanger avec la presse française.

CES 2024 : “La technologie reste très forte malgré la crise”, d’après Gary Shapiro

#2. How can you really get to know a person? Ask to see their loyalty cards

Show me your loyalty cards and I’ll tell you who you are. I’ve got Waitrose, plastic and app – the middle-class membership card – and Nectar, although somehow never when I need it. There is Lakeland (middle-age membership), and I am custodian of the household holy of holies, the Go Outdoors card and keyring fob, because if my spouse can’t spontaneously snap up a bargain fleece, he gets twitchy. Space NK has vanished, its emails offering a ghostly digital reminder of a time when I cared about my appearance, and I fell off the Boots Advantage treadmill years ago. Flygskam put paid to Air Miles, and Eurostar is too confusing (non, I don’t know my mot de passe).

How can you really get to know a person? Ask to see their loyalty cards

#3. Le Planning familial et «Sex Education» s’allient pour répondre aux questions des ados 

A l’occasion de la dernière saison de la série inclusive et drôle sur la vie sexuelle des lycéens, l’association s’associe à Netflix pour mettre en avant son numéro vert. Et pallier le manque d’infos à l’école. 

C’est la collaboration qu’on n’avait pas vu venir. Le Planning familial s’associe avec Netflix dans le cadre de la diffusion de la quatrième et dernière saison de la série à succès Sex Education, diffusée à partir de ce jeudi 21 septembre. Mise en ligne en janvier 2019, inclusive et désinhibante, la série traite de nombreuses problématiques liées à la sexualité. Vaginisme, homosexualité, plaisir féminin, asexualité ou encore avortement sont abordés via les voix d’Otis (joué par Asa Butterfield), fils d’une sexologue, de Maeve (Emma Mackey), la rebelle qui organise des consultations de sexologie dans les toilettes désaffectées du lycée ou encore d’Eric (Ncuti Gatwa), adolescent solaire assumant son homosexualité dans sa famille très religieuse.

Le Planning familial et «Sex Education» s’allient pour répondre aux questions des ados

#4. Google rolls out a major expansion of its Bard AI chatbot 

Google’s Bard artificial intelligence chatbot is evolving.

The company on Tuesday announced a series of updates to Bard that will give the chatbot access to Google’s full suite of tools — including YouTube, Google Drive, Google Flights and others — to assist users in a wider variety of tasks. Users will be able, for example, to ask Bard to plan an upcoming trip, complete with real flight options. Or a user could ask the tool to summarize meeting notes made in a recent Google Drive document.

The connections to Google’s other services are just some of the improvements to Bard coming Tuesday. Other updates include the ability to communicate with the chatbot in multiple languages, new fact-checking capabilities and a broad update to the large language model that the tool is built on.

Google rolls out a major expansion of its Bard AI chatbot

#5. Black creators built TikTok. But Black employees say they experienced ‘toxicity and racism’ 

Nnete Matima said she was attracted to work at TikTok because of how the social media platform was “really built upon Black culture” and the work of Black creators.

She saw and welcomed TikTok’s public pledge of support for the Black community in the wake of the 2020 police murder of George Floyd and applied to work for the company because she felt its corporate values “really resonated with me,” Matima told CNN.

Black creators built TikTok. But Black employees say they experienced ‘toxicity and racism’

#6. Lego abandons effort to make bricks from recycled plastic bottles 

Lego has stopped a project to make bricks from recycled drinks bottles instead of oil-based plastic, saying it would have led to higher carbon emissions over the product’s lifetime.

The move, first reported by the Financial Times, followed efforts by the world’s largest toymaker to research more sustainable materials, as part of a wave of companies reassessing their contribution to global emissions as the climate crisis hits.

Lego abandons effort to make bricks from recycled plastic bottles

#7. Listening to Taylor Swift in Prison 

The first time I heard about Taylor Swift, I was in a Los Angeles County jail, waiting to be sent to prison for murder. Sheriffs would hand out precious copies of the Los Angeles Times, and they would be passed from one reader to the next. Back then, I swore that Prince was the best songwriter of my lifetime, and I thought Swift’s rise to teen-age stardom was an injustice. I’d look up from her wide-eyed face in the Calendar section to see gang fights and race riots. The jail was full of young men of color who wrote and performed their own raps, often about chasing money and fame, while Swift was out there, actually getting rich and famous. How fearless could any little blond fluff like that really be?

Listening to Taylor Swift in Prison



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