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Press Review: 19 September, 2023 // Revue de Presse : 19 septembre 2023

September 19, 2023

illustration revue de presse

7 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut

La croissance économique ne va pas sans inclusion numérique TikTok Shop ouvre boutique  ️ 5 technologies qui vont transformer l’avenir selon Gartner ‘Consensus écrasant’ sur la régulation de l’IA  Chat-GPT, même les religieux s’interrogent Comment utiliser l’IA pour communiquer avec les baleines ? Des pompiers humains viennent en aide à des robots de livraison !

This week’s seven stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks

Economic growth is not without digital inclusion TikTok Shop opens online store ️5 technologies that will transform the future according to Gartner ‘Overwhelming consensus’ on AI regulation Chat-GPT, even the religious are questioning How to use AI to communicate with whales? Human firefighters come to the aid of delivery robots!

Technologie responsable : la croissance économique ne va pas sans inclusion numérique
TikTok Shop is now open for business
Cinq technologies qui vont transformer le futur selon Gartner
‘Overwhelming consensus’ on AI regulation – Musk
Chat-GPT, le Golem et les rabbins
How to Use AI to Talk to Whales—and Save Life on Earth
Cambridgeshire firefighters help Co-op grocery delivery robots

#1. Technologie responsable : la croissance économique ne va pas sans inclusion numérique 

L’accès aux technologies numériques est aujourd’hui un pilier capital de toute économie inclusive, durable et résiliente. En découlent des inégalités sociales quant à l’éducation, l’emploi ou la santé, ainsi que des barrières à l’activité économique. Or, il existe un lien entre inclusion numérique et résilience de l’économie. Des technologies plus efficaces et plus accessibles profiteraient à l’ensemble de la société tout en créant des opportunités pour les investisseurs. Cet horizon relève des objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies (ODD), signifiant qu’Etats, entreprises et investisseurs doivent maintenant agir de concert.

Technologie responsable : la croissance économique ne va pas sans inclusion numérique

#2.  TikTok Shop is now open for business

TikTok is officially kicking off its US e-commerce efforts with the launch of TikTok Shop.

The short-form video platform launched an in-app shopping experience in the United States on Tuesday, according to a company blog post, after months of testing. TikTok Shop allows users to find and directly purchase products used in live videos, tagged in content shown on their algorithm-driven For You page, pinned on brand profiles or marketed in a new “Shop” tab.

For creators, the feature could bring new streams of income by connecting them with brands for commission-based marketing partnerships. TikTok is also offering “Fulfilled by TikTok,” a program that handles all of the logistics for sellers, including storing, packing and shipping.    

TikTok Shop is now open for business

#3. Cinq technologies qui vont transformer le futur selon Gartner

En amont de son Symposium 2023 aux US et à Barcelone, Gartner dévoile cinq technologies qui ne vont pas manquer de transformer le futur numérique des organisations. Découvrez lesquelles…

À l’occasion de son prochain Symposium européen à Barcelone en novembre, l’analyste Gartner aura l’occasion de revenir largement sur les grandes tendances technologiques de l’année prochaine et les innovations que les DSI vont devoir suivre avec attention.

Cinq technologies qui vont transformer le futur selon Gartner

#4. ‘Overwhelming consensus’ on AI regulation – Musk

Tesla CEO Elon Musk says there was “overwhelming consensus” for regulation on artificial intelligence after tech heavyweights gathered in Washington to discuss AI.

Tech bosses attending the meeting included Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg and Google boss Sundar Pichai.

Microsoft’s former CEO Bill Gates and Microsoft’s current CEO Satya Nadella were also in attendance.

‘Overwhelming consensus’ on AI regulation – Musk

#5. Chat-GPT, le Golem et les rabbins

À chacun ses traditions… La mienne est simple à Rosh haShana, de nombreux fidèles la connaissent : je me suis engagée à raconter systématiquement une blague le soir de la nouvelle année juive, histoire d’entrer dans ce temps neuf avec un peu d’humour juif. 

Chat-GPT, le Golem et les rabbins

#6. How to Use AI to Talk to Whales—and Save Life on Earth

With ecosystems in crisis, engineers and scientists are teaming up to decipher what animals are saying. Their hope: By truly listening to nature, humans will decide to protect it.

Before Michelle Fournet moved to Alaska on a whim in her early twenties, she’d never seen a whale. She took a job on a whale watching boat and, each day she was out on the water, gazed at the grand shapes moving under the surface. For her entire life, she realized, the natural world had been out there, and she’d been missing it. “I didn’t even know I was bereft,” she recalls. Later, as a graduate student in marine biology, Fournet wondered what else she was missing. The humpbacks she was getting to know revealed themselves in partial glimpses. What if she could hear what they were saying? She dropped a hydrophone in the water—but the only sound that came through was the mechanical churn of boats. The whales had fallen silent amid the racket. Just as Fournet had discovered nature, then, she was witnessing it recede. She resolved to help the whales. To do that, she needed to learn how to listen to them.

How to Use AI to Talk to Whales—and Save Life on Earth

#7. Cambridgeshire firefighters help Co-op grocery delivery robots

Firefighters came to the rescue of delivery robots that found their path blocked by crews tackling a derelict building blaze.

The robots, now common in parts of Cambridge, are used by the Co-op in the city for customers to order home or workplace deliveries.

But they found their path blocked by a fire engine and hoses, in Brookfields in the city, on Saturday night.

Cambridgeshire firefighters help Co-op grocery delivery robots



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