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Revue de Presse : 22 août 2023 // Press Review: 22 august, 2023

August 22, 2023

illustration revue de presse

7 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut

L’IA est-elle sexiste ? La grève des auteurs d’Hollywood pourrait s’étendre à l’industrie musicale My AI de Snapchat nous joue des tours Le Prince William est critiqué pour ne pas avoir assisté à la finale de la Coupe du monde de football féminin La Réalité Virtuelle arrive dans nos bureaux pour nous former   CHatGPT devient une matière à l’école La cour a tranché, les IA génératrices ne peuvent pas êtres considérées comme autrices et donc elles ne sont pas protégées par les droits d’auteur ‍⚖️ 

This week’s seven stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks

Is AI sexist? Hollywood writers’ strike could spread to the music industry Snapchat’s My AI plays tricks on users Prince William faces criticism for not attending the Women’s World Cup final Virtual Reality arrives in our offices to train us CHatGPT becomes a subject at school The court has ruled, generative AIs cannot be considered authors and therefore they are not protected by copyright law ‍⚖️

Pourquoi l’IA menace davantage les femmes ?
Hozier would consider strike over AI threat to music
My AI a publié une story sur Snapchat, et tout le monde a paniqué
Prince William faces criticism for not attending Women’s World Cup final
Virtual reality brings new vision to workplace training
Schools are teaching ChatGPT, so students aren’t left behind
AI-generated art cannot be copyrighted, rules a US Federal Judge

#1. Pourquoi l’IA menace davantage les femmes ?

Une étude révèle que 80% des femmes actives sont dans des métiers susceptibles d’être affectés par l’IA. Elles sont donc plus vulnérables que les hommes dans ce contexte. Néanmoins, l’IA peut également enrichir certains emplois.

L’IA, en révolutionnant tous les métiers, suscite des études prospectives sur le marché du travail. Toutefois, son impact n’est pas uniforme. Certains emplois sont plus facilement automatisables que d’autres, ce qui soulève des préoccupations quant à la répartition hommes-femmes.

Pourquoi l’IA menace davantage les femmes ?

#2. Hozier would consider strike over AI threat to music

Irish musician Hozier has said he would consider striking over the threat artificial intelligence (AI) poses to his industry. Hollywood actors and writers are currently striking over a row about better contracts and protection from the use of AI. Hozier told the BBC’s Newsnight he would be willing to join similar strike action in the music industry. The singer added he was not sure if AI “meets the definition of art”.

In July, Hollywood writers and actors manned picket lines for the first time in decades. Among their concerns was a proposal by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers to keep “digital replicas” of actors.But musicians are yet to follow suit regarding the threat AI poses to their own industry. The technology could be used to write songs or mimic well-known artists.

Hozier would consider strike over AI threat to music

#3. My AI a publié une story sur Snapchat, et tout le monde a paniqué

Dans la nuit entre le 15 et le 16 août 2023, My AI, le chatbot de Snapchat, a effrayé les utilisateurs. Vers 3h du matin, le bot a publié une courte story d’une seconde, dans laquelle on pouvait voir un simple mur blanc. Rien de très méchant. Pourtant, la story a créé une certaine panique chez les utilisateurs de Snap : beaucoup ont cru qu’il s’agissait de leur propre mur pris en photo — et surtout, My AI n’est pas censé pouvoir publier de stories.

La réaction des internautes ne s’est pas fait attendre. Sur X (anciennement Twitter) ils ont partagé leur réaction et leurs échanges, la plupart du temps lunaires, avec le chatbot. Entre rire, questions, et même parfois peur, la story de My AI n’est pas passée inaperçue, et a produit chez beaucoup un sentiment de « vallée dérangeante ».

My AI a publié une story sur Snapchat, et tout le monde a paniqué

#4. Prince William faces criticism for not attending Women’s World Cup final

Decision not to fly to Australia has been questioned by those who say Lionesses deserved top-level support

The Prince of Wales may have cheered on the Lionesses from afar, but has faced criticism from some quarters at home over his reluctance to get on a plane to support the England team in person.

William was absent from Stadium Australia on Sunday despite being president of the Football Association, and is understood to have made the decision not to go because of the long flight involved for such a short period of time.

Prince William faces criticism for not attending Women’s World Cup final

#5. Virtual reality brings new vision to workplace training

Imagine you have been transported to Mars as a robot avatar. Around you in this virtual reality (VR), computer-simulated world are other people also walking around as robots. Your mission is to work together to overcome a number of challenges, and escape the planet in a space pod. The mission is only successful if all the robots manage to get away, and not if one or two blast off on their own.

This isn’t a video game though. Rather it is a training session where you and your co-workers are all wearing VR headsets. As awaydays go, it does sound more fun than sitting in a conference room for hours on end, while your bosses tell you about your organisation’s exciting plans for the next year.

Virtual reality brings new vision to workplace training

#6. Schools are teaching ChatGPT, so students aren’t left behind

“It’s really helped educators see how others are adapting to and framing AI in the classroom,” Eaton said. “AI is still going to feel uncomfortable, but now they can now go in and see how a university or a range of different courses, from coding to sociology, are approaching it.” an administrator at Rhode Island-based College Unbound, told CNN.

With more experts expecting the continued application of artificial intelligence, professors now fear ignoring or discouraging the use of it will be a disservice to students and leave many behind when entering the workforce. 

Schools are teaching ChatGPT, so students aren’t left behind

#7.  AI-generated art cannot be copyrighted, rules a US Federal Judge

United States District Court Judge Beryl A. Howell ruled on Friday that AI-generated artwork can’t be copyrighted, as noted by The Hollywood Reporter. She was presiding over a lawsuit against the US Copyright Office after it refused a copyright to Stephen Thaler for an AI-generated image made with the Creativity Machine algorithm he’d created.

After the Office’s final rejection last year, Thaler sued the Office, claiming its denial was “arbitrary, capricious … and not in accordance with the law,” but Judge Howell didn’t see it that way. In her decision, Judge Howell wrote that copyright has never been granted to work that was “absent any guiding human hand,” adding that “human authorship is a bedrock requirement of copyright.”

AI-generated art cannot be copyrighted, rules a US Federal Judge


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