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Revue de Presse : 18 août 2023 // Press Review: 18 august, 2023

August 18, 2023

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7 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut

L’IA, sauveur de la planète Les Etats-Unis tentent maintenir l’écart technologique avec la Chine Fuites de données chez la police irlandaise L’IA détruit des emplois mais créera de nouvelles opportunitées L’IA raciste ? Google déploie une stratégie pour éviter le pire ‍   X poursuit la monétisation de ses services La Maison-Blanche critiquée pour les incendies d’Hawaï  

This week’s seven stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks

AI, Savior of the Planet The Biden administration imposes restrictions on US investment with China Data breach within the Northern Irish police force AI destroys jobs but will create new opportunities Is AI racist? Google deploys a strategy to push inclusivity ‍ X continues monetizing its services The White House criticized for its response to the Hawaii fires

Face aux défis environnementaux, “l’intelligence artificielle est un formidable outil”
Les Etats-Unis restreignent les investissements dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle en Chine
PSNI data breach: Details of NI police in hands of dissident republicans
Will AI steal my job? Maybe – but here are some possible new opportunities
Why does Google care so much about hiring diverse AI teams?
TweetDeck is officially becoming a paid service
Biden says he doesn’t want to ‘get in the way’ as Hawaii death toll reaches 106

#1. Face aux défis environnementaux, “l’intelligence artificielle est un formidable outil”

Les espoirs sont immenses, les inquiétudes aussi. L’intelligence artificielle (IA) pourrait contribuer à une diminution de 16 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre au cours des cinq prochaines années, selon le Capgemini Research Institute.

Mais le monde virtuel se heurte aux réalités de la physique : les data centers nécessaires à l’IA consomment toujours plus d’énergie, de métaux rares et d’eau, et produisent une grande quantité de déchets électroniques.

Face aux défis environnementaux, “l’intelligence artificielle est un formidable outil”

#2. Les Etats-Unis restreignent les investissements dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle en Chine

Les entreprises américaines ne pourront plus investir librement à l’étranger dans les technologies les plus avancées, au premier rang desquelles l’intelligence artificielle (IA) ou l’ordinateur quantique, si cela concerne des « pays problématiques », citant notamment la Chine, a annoncé, mercredi 9 août, le département du Trésor dans un communiqué.

La décision, issue d’un décret signé par le président Joe Biden, doit permettre de « défendre la sécurité nationale américaine en protégeant les technologies critiques de la prochaine génération d’innovations militaires », a précisé le Trésor.

Les Etats-Unis restreignent les investissements dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle en Chine

#3. PSNI data breach: Details of NI police in hands of dissident republicans

Information mistakenly released in a major data breach is in the hands of dissident republicans, Northern Ireland’s police chief has said. The data includes the surname and first initial of 10,000 Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) employees. It also includes their rank or grade, where they are based and the unit in which they work.

Simon Byrne said the information could be used to “intimidate or target officers and staff”.”We are working round the clock to assess and mitigate this risk,” he said.

PSNI data breach: Details of NI police in hands of dissident republicans

#4. Will AI steal my job? Maybe – but here are some possible new opportunities

Will AI steal my job? Maybe – but here are some possible new opportunities

The rise of AI will destroy jobs – but also create them. And if you didn’t nab that £700,000 role at Netflix, there are plenty of new positions in the offing, many in surprising areas

The conversation about AI and the workplace is understandably dominated by the downsides – after decades of automation eliminating manufacturing jobs, people in the service sector are worried about being replaced by “robots”.

But every technological shift creates as well as destroys jobs. Artificial intelligence – at least in its current iteration, which uses large language datasets to create text, audio and video – is no different. What is, perhaps, surprising is the type of jobs it will create.

Will AI steal my job? Maybe – but here are some possible new opportunities

#5. Why does Google care so much about hiring diverse AI teams?

While concerns around the existential threat to the human race due to possible generative AI advancements have been grabbing headlines of late, there’s a much more current and arguably real concern — discrimination.

Although major players in the AI market have affirmed their commitment to diversity and inclusion in their workplace, with women and people of color still finding themselves underrepresented in the technology industry, there’s a fear that the training received by AI models will be inherently biased.

It’s a concern shared by both industry professionals and political bodies alike. In June of this year, European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager argued that AI-fueled discrimination poses a greater risk to society than the prospect of human extinction.

Why does Google care so much about hiring diverse AI teams?

#6. TweetDeck is officially becoming a paid service

X, the social network formally known as Twitter, appears to be finally following through on its promise to make TweetDeck a paid service. Many users on X, including social media consultant Matt Navarra, say that they’re seeing a sales page for X Premium (the subscription formerly Twitter Blue) when they try to load up TweetDeck, which is technically now called XPro.

A few of us at The Verge haven’t run into the block yet, but given how many people are saying that they can’t access XPro unless they pay, we’re guessing it’s only a matter of time.

Unfortunately, we knew this was coming, as X announced on July 3rd that it would be making XPro a subscriber-only feature. It said at the time that the transition would happen “in 30 days,” so the company missed its own deadline by just a bit.

TweetDeck is officially becoming a paid service

#7.  Biden says he doesn’t want to ‘get in the way’ as Hawaii death toll reaches 106

A miraculous moment unfolded during the Maui wildfires rescue efforts this week when 60 survivors were found alive sheltering inside a single home.

The large group had taken refuge in the property in western Maui back on 8 August when the fires first swept through the Hawaiian island, Maui County Mayor Richard Bisset said.

But, they were cut off without electricity and mobile phone coverage since and so their whereabouts – and whether or not they had made it out alive – had been unknown.

Biden says he doesn’t want to ‘get in the way’ as Hawaii death toll reaches 106


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