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Revue de Presse : 27 mars 2023 // Press Review: March 27, 2023

March 28, 2023

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6 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut

On se demande si la réalité ne rattrape pas la science-fiction et pour combien de temps nos pensées resteront à l’abri de la technologie. Technologie toujours, nos battements de coeur ❤️ vont-ils devenir nos nouveaux passeports ? On s’intéresse à l’autonomie alimentaire grâce aux fermes municipales. On apprend que la reprise d’entreprise fait des différences entre les femmes et les hommes. On s’interroge sur l’évolution des pourboires Et on suit les nouvelles péripéties de Twitter et d’Elon Musk

This week’s five stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks

We wonder if reality is catching up with science fiction, and for how long our thoughts will remain safe from technology. Keeping it in tech, will our heartbeats ❤️ become our new passports? We look at food autonomy through municipal farms. We learn that the path to taking over a business is noticeably different between men and women. We witness the evolution of tipping And we follow the new adventures of Twitter and Elon Musk. The professor trying to protect our private thoughts from technology.


The professor trying to protect our private thoughts from technology
Fermes municipales : l’autonomie à quel prix ?
EasyJet predicts passport of the future will use heartbeats
Reprise d’entreprise : où sont les femmes ?
Customers now face a radically different tipping culture compared to a few years ago
Elon Musk: Twitter says parts of source code leaked online

#1. The professor trying to protect our private thoughts from technology

In a new book, The Battle for Your Brain, Duke University bioscience professor Nita Farahany argues that such intrusions into the human mind by technology are so close that a public discussion is long overdue and lawmakers should immediately establish brain protections as it would for any other area of personal liberty.

Private thoughts may not be private for much longer, heralding a nightmarish world where political views, thoughts, stray obsessions and feelings could be interrogated and punished all thanks to advances in neurotechnology. Or at least that is what one of the world’s leading legal ethicists of neuroscience believes.

The professor trying to protect our private thoughts from technology | Neuroscience | The Guardian


#2. Fermes municipales : l’autonomie à quel prix ?

En France, de plus en plus de municipalités installent des maraîchers afin d’alimenter en légumes bio et locaux leurs écoles, leurs Ehpad ou leur propre restauration collective. Un modèle attrayant par ses aspects écologique et social, mais qui comporte néanmoins certaines limites.

En ce début d’année 2023, la ferme biologique de Varennes-sur-Seine, en Seine-et-Marne, n’a pas fière allure. Le long du chemin d’accès boueux, la plupart des légumes ont déserté les champs ; les haies bocagères ont été coupées. Seules deux grandes serres renferment encore quelques cultures, qui arriveront à maturité au printemps. Au centre du terrain de cinq hectares, un hangar de stockage est bardé d’échafaudages. Rien de bien exceptionnel pour une exploitation agricole au beau milieu de l’hiver.

  Fermes municipales : l’autonomie à quel prix ?


#3. EasyJet predicts passport of the future will use heartbeats

In addition, easyJet claims that all documentation will be digital by 2070. Each individual’s biometric data – including fingerprints, retina scans and heartbeat – will be stored securely in the cloud and available globally.

Technology is going to become a prominent factor in how the public are going to choose their destination. Technological advancements such as mixed reality (MR), will allow consumers to ‘try before you buy’ to be sure the destination is a fit for the individual.

EasyJet predicts passport of the future will use heartbeats


#4. Reprise d’entreprise : où sont les femmes ?

Syndrome de l’imposture, aversion au risque financier, difficulté à convaincre les cédants majoritairement des hommes… La reprise d’entreprise accentue les inégalités femmes-hommes observées dans la création d’entreprise.

La reprise d’entreprise reproduit, voire amplifie, les inégalités observées dans l’entrepreneuriat féminin. Ainsi, les femmes ne sont encore que 15 % des stagiaires de l’association CRA (Cédants Repreneurs d’Affaires) qui forme, depuis 35 ans, les candidats à la reprise de PME. Et comme dans la création d’entreprise, plus les projets nécessitent des apports financiers importants, moins les femmes sont représentées.

Reprise d’entreprise : où sont les femmes


#5. Customers now face a radically different tipping culture compared to a few years ago

More stores now offer customers the option to tip, from coffee shops to ice cream stores. Around 48% of quick-service restaurants like Starbucks, Panera and McDonald’s now give customers the option to tip, according to data released this month from Toast, a restaurant management software company. That’s up from 38% in 2020. But Americans are tipping less.

People are tipping less in part because of inflation, experts say. They are also overwhelmed with the number of places that give them the option to tip with a card on an iPad, leading people to be less generous.Customers and workers today are confronted with a radically different tipping culture compared to just a few years ago — without any clear norms.

Customers now face a radically different tipping culture compared to a few years ago


#6. Elon Musk: Twitter says parts of source code leaked online

Parts of the source code which underpins multi-billionaire Elon Musk’s social media platform have been leaked online, Twitter says. It says the code was posted on GitHub, a Microsoft-owned service where software developers share code.It has now been taken down after Twitter requested its removal.

The leak creates a new challenge for Mr Musk, who has slashed Twitter’s workforce by more than a third and faced an exodus of advertisers since buying the platform in October last year.

Elon Musk: Twitter says parts of source code leaked online – BBC News


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