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Revue de Presse : 15 Février 2023 // Press Review

February 15, 2023

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  6 infos cette semaine ! Voici le choix de la “rédac” StoriesOut 🙂
Cette semaine, on s’intéresse à la recette magique du Super Bowl. On se demande si demain on sera tous micropucés. On découvre que pour les droits d’auteur des NFT, l’affaire n’est pas dans le sac 😉 On apprend qu’une enquête épingle Google à propos des recherches et des résultats proposés concernant les centres IVG aux Etats-Unis. Enfin, on en remet une couche sur l’IA et le chatGPT    


This week’s six stories! Here are the StoriesOut editor’s picks 🙂
This week, we look at the Super Bowl’s magic recipe. We wonder if tomorrow we will all be microchipped. We discover that when it comes to NFT copyright, it’s not crystal clear 😉 We learn about an investigation into Google’s searches and results concerning US abortion centers. And finally, we put a layer on AI and chatGPT   


Another State Bans Employers Microchipping Workers
Google accusé de diriger des femmes à faible revenu vers des centres anti-IVG
Viewership Is Falling, Rates Are Rising, Yet Advertisers Still Flock To The Super Bowl
 Microsoft va mettre l’IA de Bing, basée sur ChatGPT, partout dans Office
Fury in Ukraine as Elon Musk’s SpaceX limits Starlink use for drones
Hermes wins US trademark trial over ‘MetaBirkin’ NFTs


#1. Another State Bans Employers Microchipping Workers

Alabama Democrats want to make it illegal for public and private employers in the state to force their employees to get microchipped. A bill pre-filed for the state Legislature’s upcoming session would make it a felony for state agencies, private businesses, insurance providers, or bail bondsmen in the state to require employees to be implanted with a microchip as a condition of employment or services.

The bill defines a microchip as “a device subcutaneously implanted in an individual that is passively or actively capable of transmitting personal information to another device using radio frequency technology.”
“The term does not include any device used in the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, or prevention of a health condition that only transmits information necessary to carry out the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, or prevention of that health condition,” the bill states.

Alabama Democrats want to ban employers from forcing workers to get microchipped – Fox Business

#2. Google accusé de diriger des femmes à faible revenu vers des centres anti-IVG

Une étude laisse penser que les femmes ayant de faibles revenus et cherchant à avorter sont plus susceptibles de trouver des cliniques opposées à l’avortement lors d’une recherche sur Google.

Alors que Google avait annoncé prendre des mesures lors du débat sur l’avortement aux Etats-Unis, le moteur de recherche se fait de nouveau épingler. Selon une étude publiée le 6 février et menée par des chercheurs du Tech Transparency Project, les femmes ayant de faibles revenus et cherchant à avorter sont plus susceptibles d’être ciblées par des annonces et des résultats de Google faisant la promotion de centres anti-avortement.

Ces centres anti-avortement sont non seulement mis en avant, mais usent également de la publicité mensongère. Sur Google, ces centres, dits “de crise”, se font passer pour des cliniques qui pratiquent l’avortement, pour en fait mieux de détourner les femmes de la pratique. Ces centres sont référencés et promus par Google particulièrement à des femmes qui perçoivent de faibles revenus dans des Etats où l’avortement est strictement limité, comme l’Arizona.

Etats-Unis: Google accusé de diriger des femmes à faible revenu vers des centres anti-IVG


#3. Viewership is Falling, Rates Are Rising, Yet Advertisers Still Flock To The Super Bowl

Return on investment is only one metric that companies consider when they decide to spend millions for a 30-second spot during the big game. The number of Americans who watched the Super Bowl on TV last year fell 13% from the peak in 2015, but the average cost of a 30-second advertising spot has just kept climbing. This year, the retail price is a record $7 million. For Stacy Taffet, vice president of brand marketing for PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay, there’s a limit to what she’s willing to pay to run a Doritos commercial.

For roughly four hours on a given Sunday every February, the time-tested rules of sound economics slide down the corporate priority list and the level-headed decision-making processes of marketing departments are tempered by the fear of missing out. It doesn’t matter if a company has to eat cold beans the rest of the year. The Super Bowl is the prom, and everybody wants to go. That doesn’t mean everybody should go. Deep pockets are strongly recommended. Forbes, with the help of analytics firms Kantar Group and Neilsen, has collected data for every Super Bowl since the beginning — which was 1967, before the name Super Bowl was even coined — and the ad rate has fallen year over year just four times in 57 years. The last instance was 2007, when the Colts beat the Bears. (That’s right, children, the Bears played in the Super Bowl.) In 1993, the average rate for a 30-second commercial, adjusted for inflation, was $850,000. By 2016, it was $5.4 million.

Viewership Is Falling, Rates Are Rising, Yet Advertisers Still Flock To The Super Bowl – Forbes

#4. Microsoft va mettre l’IA de Bing, basée sur ChatGPT, partout dans Office

Microsoft avance à pas de géant sur l’IA, et veut rapidement proposer cette technologie au sein de sa suite Office. La firme de Redmond ne laisse pas souffler son rival Google, en position difficile, dans la mise à disposition au grand public de l’IA. Alors que le chatbot d’OpenAI est déjà intégré au moteur de recherche Bing, ce serait bien maintenant au tour d’Open Office d’officiellement bénéficier des services de ChatGPT.

Microsoft tient (pour le moment) toujours ses promesses. Alors qu’au tout début de ChatGPT l’on entendait dire que le chatbot pourrait prendre place dans le moteur de recherche maison Bing, c’est maintenant chose faite. Et désormais, c’est une autre ambition qui pourrait bien être rapidement mise en œuvre.

Microsoft va mettre l’IA de Bing, basée sur ChatGPT, partout dans Office


#5 Fury in Ukraine as Elon Musk’s SpaceX limits Starlink use for drones

A senior Ukrainian presidential aide has reacted with anger after Elon Musk’s SpaceX said it had taken steps to prevent its Starlink satellite communications service from controlling drones, which are critical to Kyiv’s forces in fighting off the Russian invasion. Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX’s chief operating officer, said at a conference in the US that the surprise decision had been taken because it had never been the company’s intention to allow Starlink to be used “for offensive purposes”.

That prompted an immediate complaint on Thursday morning from Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Ukraine’s president, Volodymr Zelenskiy, who argued that Musk’s business had failed to recognise Ukraine’s right to self-defence.

Fury in Ukraine as Elon Musk’s SpaceX limits Starlink use for drones


#6. Hermes wins US trademark trial over ‘MetaBirkin’ NFTs

In one of the first intellectual-property trials over the popular digital tokens known as NFTs, the jury found artist Mason Rothschild’s unauthorized “MetaBirkins” were likely to confuse consumers. The jury awarded Hermes $133,000 in damages for trademark infringement, dilution, and cybersquatting, the US District Court for the Southern District of New York confirmed.

The case has been closely watched for its potential to clarify how trademark law will apply to NFTs, which are unique tokens on blockchain networks often used to verify ownership of digital art.

Hermes wins US trademark trial over ‘MetaBirkin’ NFTs – CNN


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