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Press Review: May 14, 2024

May 13, 2024

illustration revue de presse

Les 7 pépites de la semaine, trouvées dans // 7 nuggets found in

CLUBIC – The Guardian – BBC – Variety – CNN Business – TendanceHotellerie.fr

🇫🇷 Voici le choix des attaché·es de presse StoriesOut 🙂

Avec “Threat Intelligence”, Google met l’IA au service de la cybersécurité 🔒🤖 L’épidémie de rage : notre monde moderne alimente-t-il l’agression ? 😡🌍 L’accès à Internet lié à un bien-être supérieur, selon une étude 🌐😊 Les fournisseurs de Shein travaillent toujours 75 heures par semaine – rapport ⏰💼 La nouvelle publicité pour l’iPad Pro d’Apple suscite l’indignation alors que Hugh Grant et d’autres critiquent violemment le géant de la technologie : ‘La Destruction de l’Expérience Humaine’ 📱😠 Quels enjeux dans l’affaire antitrust de Google ? Des milliards de dollars (et la manière dont nous utilisons internet) 💰🌐 Le baromètre du tourisme parisien : avril 2024 🗼📊

🇬🇧 The weekly news selection by StoriesOut media consultants 🙂

With “Threat Intelligence”, Google puts AI at the service of cybersecurity 🔒🤖 The rage epidemic: is our modern world fuelling aggression? 😡🌍 Study finds internet access linked to higher levels of wellbeing 🌐😊 Report – Shein suppliers still work 75-hour weeks ⏰💼 Apple’s New iPad Pro Ad Sparks Outrage as Hugh Grant and More Slam Tech Giant: ‘The Destruction of the Human Experience’ 📱😠 What’s at stake in the Google antitrust case? Billions of dollars (and the way we use the internet) 💰🌐 The Paris tourism barometer: April 2024 🗼📊

#1. Avec “Threat Intelligence”, Google met l’IA au service de la cybersécurité 

Google ne se contente pas des chatbots comme Gemini en matière d’IA. Il lance ainsi un nouveau produit utilisant l’intelligence artificielle pour renforcer la cybersécurité.

L’intelligence artificielle ne servira pas simplement à générer des textes, des images, ou même des deepfake impressionnants à partir d’une simple image. Cette technologie peut en effet avoir des utilisations plus profitables. C’est le message que fait passer aujourd’hui le géant Google, en proposant une application de l’IA qui devrait permettre de renforcer la cybersécurité de ceux qui s’offriront son produit.

👉 Avec “Threat Intelligence”, Google met l’IA au service de la cybersécurité

#2. The rage epidemic: is our modern world fuelling aggression?

After the video of Peter Abbott screaming road-rage abuse through a car window went viral, we ask what’s behind the fury so many feel – and express

Last week a video showing 60-year-old Peter Abbott screaming abuse at TV producer Samantha Isaacs gained a viral audience, after Abbott was found guilty at Poole magistrates court of “using threatening words or behaviour to cause alarm, distress or fear of violence”.

👉 The rage epidemic: is our modern world fuelling aggression?

#3. Internet access linked to higher wellbeing, study finds 

Internet access and use is consistently associated with positive wellbeing, a new study of data from 168 countries by the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) suggests.

In many parts of the world, including the EU and UK, concerns about online harms have prompted new laws.

The OII says some of its findings are “consistent” with reported links between social media use and depressive symptoms among young women.

But it concludes the overall benefits of being online show regulators contemplating tougher laws should rely on data and not be “guided by anecdote.”

👉 Internet access linked to higher wellbeing, study finds

#4. Shein suppliers still work 75-hour weeks – report

Workers for some suppliers of Chinese fast fashion giant Shein are still working 75 hours a week, despite the company promising to improve conditions, a report suggests.

A new investigation by Swiss advocacy group Public Eye has followed up on its 2021 report, which found a number of staff across six sites in Guangzhou were doing excessive overtime.

👉 Shein suppliers still work 75-hour weeks – report

#5. Apple’s New iPad Pro Ad Sparks Outrage as Hugh Grant and More Slam Tech Giant: ‘The Destruction of the Human Experience’ 

An Apple commercial for the new iPad Pro tablet showing an industrial press literally crushing a TV, musical instruments, books and more ignited an angry backlash among many in Hollywood and other creative industries.

The ad, titled “Crush!”, shows an array of various objects — including a record player, a piano, a guitar, an old TV set, cameras, a typewriter, books, paint cans and tubes, and a classic arcade game machine — getting compressed into (voila!) the new iPad Pro. The spot is soundtracked to Sonny and Cher’s “All I Ever Need Is You.” 

👉 Apple’s New iPad Pro Ad Sparks Outrage as Hugh Grant and More Slam Tech Giant: ‘The Destruction of the Human Experience’

#6. What’s at stake in the Google antitrust case? Billions of dollars (and the way we use the internet)

Whenever you type a search into Apple’s Safari browser — say, on an iPhone — chances are it’s Google that returns the results.

You can tell Safari to pick another search engine, but in practice most people tend to stick with Google by default.

You might know that Google pays Apple enormous sums of money every year for that prime placement. What you might not know is just how much.

👉 What’s at stake in the Google antitrust case? Billions of dollars (and the way we use the internet)

#7. Le baromètre du tourisme parisien : avril 2024

Paris je t’aime – Office de tourisme vient d’éditer son baromètre du tourisme parisien du mois d’avril 2024.

Les deux prochains mois marqueront une charnière entre une période printanière propice à l’activité touristique et la période estivale pré-Jeux olympiques. On note notamment un mois de mai aux perspectives positives, porté par les ponts et les quatre concerts de Taylor Swift. La clientèle américaine devrait progresser sur ce mois (+ 12,5 % vs 2023 et + 23,3 % vs 2019), plus particulièrement sur les jours précédant les concerts (+ 43,5 % vs 2023 et + 45,2 % vs 2019).

👉 Le baromètre du tourisme parisien : avril 2024


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